Dual Booting Ubuntu and Windows 10 on a Dell XPS 13
My Setup: Dell XPS 13-9360 + Windows 10
Aim - Get Ubuntu on the machine.
Essentially, follow these instructions with two key modifications.
- You should be able to get away with switching from RAID to AHCI without re-imaging windows using these instuctions.
- Disable Bitlocker - this is crucial! The first time I ran this... I didn't complete this step which led me to screwing up my Windows 10 installation.
I neglected Step 2. If the boot priority is Ubuntu first (i.e. Grub) then Ubuntu loads fine. However, windows doesn't load as the Bitlocker detects a change to the BIOS and will require a code to unlock it which, if you're like me, you probably don't have.
I did try running through the boot-repair tool from Ubuntu but kept facing the GPT detected...
Solution: I use the BIOS boot priority to change the operating system. Now both Win10 and Ubuntu are running on my machine.
Resources #
- Main instuctions
- Switching from RAID to AHCI without re-imaging Win10
- Turn off Bitlocker
- Reddit thread
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