Luke Singham

About Me

👋 Hey! I'm Luke

How can I know what I think until I read what I write?

Why this blog? #

I started this website in 2014 in order to learn more about the web, how do you setup, administer and maintain a website? As I read and write I hope to use this blogging platform as a place to collect my thoughts on a topic, documenting useful bits of code to save repeating the furious internet search it took to find the answer and I hope enable others to learn too.

I've definitely learnt about the web since starting - and have changed the tech behind this blog to simplify the setup - that was moving from Ghost + Digital Ocean to an SSG (11ty) + Netlify, a blog post will come soon on the topic. Now I feel like this is my corner of the open web, where I have the freedom to document anything I feel like! But that does tend to be mostly tech. 🤓

How to get in contact? #

I'm always happy to hear from people who have read this blog. Let me know what helped and if you have any feedback, send it through. I've had two people 'Buy me a coffee' and both times it made my day, not because of the money although I do like coffee, but because it gave me an incredible sense that I have had a positive enough impact to have someone go out of their way to say thank you by gifting me a coffee.

If you think I could help you regarding tech, data or anything covered on this blog I do consult.

What applications do you use? #

I find what others recommend useful, so here are my recommendations. The rationale behind these choices can be simplified to anti big tech monopolies and pro open source.

✅ Applications I use and recommend:

🟠 Applications I wish I didn't use:

❌ Applications I don't use and don't recommend:

✍️ Want to suggest an edit? Raise a PR or an issue on Github